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The observation of pictures for classic artists shows that the concept of beauty has varied greatly over time and between different cultures. In the twentieth century, with the change and globalization of standards of beauty, first women and then men began to analyze their silhouettes and fight excess fat is not solved by diet, exercise, massage, and application of various substances such as creams and tampons.


Body fat is deposited in adipocytes, fat cells that have the ability to increase or decrease in volume depending on the greater or lesser amount of fat contained in it. There are various body sites of accumulation to serve these cells. However most of the fatty tissue (or fat) is deposited subcutaneously, in a layer existing just below the skin. There are, however, other regions, which also serve as storage, such as the abdominal. The pattern of fat distribution in humans depends on several factors. Among them are genetic factors, the type of diet, age and gender.

Genetic factors are undoubtedly important factors in triggering a deposit of more or less fat. There are real family lines that are predispose to these deposits.

The type of food is also an important factor. A bad-eating habit, no doubt, may trigger the deposition of unwanted fat in certain anatomical regions, the so-called localized fat, and obesity. It is known that exercise leads to fat burning and diets provide weight loss, but hardly act on localized fat. The study of these regions of localized fat deposits has shown that exercise or even weight loss, is not able to completely withdraw the amount of fat deposited there.

As a person gets older there is a phenomenon called centralization of fat, which allows depositing the same in the same, most central spots of the body like the chest and abdomen at the expense of the extremities. Therefore it is common to find elderly people with large thoracic and abdominal fat, but with skinny limbs. The fat deposits tend to increase with age, forming undesirable protrusions that can be more or less prominent. The lower abdomen and hips, forming so-called breeches, are classic examples of this increased fat deposition related to age.

Gynecoid Obesity, predominantly among women, usually involves the hips, thighs and buttocks. The android form, predominant among men, usually affects the regions of the abdomen, flanks and chest. The woman often has a higher percentage of body fat and a thicker layer of fat than men.

Most of the body’s adipose tissue is divided into two layers. The surface is called the areola, and the deeper, reticular or lamellar. The surface layer is formed by small, tight and compact fatty lobes, and is more or less consistent in the same individual. The deep layer is looser and more irregular. This layer is responsible for the localized accumulations of fat and has a higher increase in thickness in obesity.

For too long the conventional treatment for aesthetic and functional alteration of adipose tissue, lipodystrophy was hard enough as it was done with poor technique and with results that were left to be desired. With the failure of conservative methods, surgical procedures were initiated to resolve the problem. Open surgical resection was attempted and curettage of the fat tissue, but it was a French surgeon Yves-Gerard Illouz, considered the father of liposuction, who established new concepts in November 1983, publishing good results with the aspiration of fat in over 1300 patients. This method consists of introducing a metal cannula in the subcutaneous connected to a vacuum device to remove amounts of fat. As the cannula is moved within the area of accumulated fat, it is absorbed into the cannula and removed from the subcutaneous tissue. So with the start of this surgery there was the possibility to withdraw a greater or lesser amount of fat within the zones of larger deposits.

We suggest the region to be drawn is deep, seeking to comply with a surface layer about 2 cm thick. Where there is a deep layer or where you want to perform surface liposuction, this should be done very carefully and using thin cannula.

Liposculpture is nothing more than liposuction used in modeling the silhouette. According to the results of several studies, this type of surgery was lasting, since the adipocytes no longer appear to multiply after puberty, remaining from this phase in an approximately fixed number. Successful treatment depends on the perfect indication of surgery.

Liposuction is suggested for the treatment of localized fat deposits, especially those unresolved areas by diet or exercise. The ideal candidate should be young or middle age, close to your ideal weight, in good health and good skin tone. Liposuction is not considered a primary recommendation for the treatment of obesity. This is defined as an increase of more than 20-30% of weight. The patient should be aware that liposuction should be performed to correct body contour changes that lead to imbalance in some areas of your body, not for weight loss. It is important to point out that the final result will only be visible after 3 or 4 months, with the regression of edema (swelling). The volume of fat to be aspirated is still a matter of controversy among surgeons, but most scholars currently advise a withdrawal of no more than 5-7% of the patient’s body weight.

Development of the equipment to be used in surgery has evolved over time. Consisting initially of metal cannula that was 12 mm in diameter and a suction pump using negative pressure. Nowadays, we recommend the use of the cannula with rounded ends, and increasingly finer diameters less than 4 mm. This fact has significantly reduced the surgical trauma, while minimizing the occurrence of irregularities. It is also important to note technological innovation with teflonadas cannula, which reduces friction with the tissue, the lesion of blood vessels and even facilitates the surgical maneuvers in liposuction.

We support a new method in which the aspiration is performed with syringes, which according to its advocates, including us, has a negative pressure lower than the "lipo vacuums," It is less traumatic and more precise. We also used the infiltrative technique, sometimes called "Hydrolipo" which injects fat located in a sterile saline solution and vasoconstrictor that also minimizes bleeding, and separates the flakes of subcutaneous fat, facilitating and making a smooth and safe procedure. Contrary to what some preach there is no scientific evidence that laser liposuction cannulas, ultrasonic vibration or sound, add any benefits to the procedure, much less produce better results. They are simply a marketing ploy and may encumber the procedure for a higher cost. Nothing replaces the experience and expertise of a good surgeon.

Scars are two or three incisions imperceptible at most 4 mm ranging location for the area to be addressed.


In most cases there is no need for hospitalization, the patient may return to their home the same day of surgery, approximately 12 hours after the start.

Anesthesia can be local, epidural but rarely general, depending on the area being treated.

The post surgery is usually very quiet, with moderate pain usually only the first three days, and very well controlled with analgesics and anti-inflammatory. Routine use of modelers or compression straps should be kept up for one to two months or as needed. It is necessary to prevent the patient is normal and expected the appearance of some bruising, calls bruises on the skin that will disappear completely after ten to fifteen days after surgery. The recovery period depends on the volume and number of regions involved in liposuction, but generally ranges from 5 to 15 days.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure and should be treated as such. Never ignore a proper environment and the presence of an anesthesiologist; surgery should not be performed in the office or in places that do not provide a safe infrastructure to perform any surgery.

With technological advances making surgical procedures increasingly safer, men and women can benefit greatly, both physically and psychologically, with liposuction. Increased self-esteem and respect for yourself are undeniable gains made with interaction between mind and body balanced and proportionate to individuals providing a better quality of life.
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